Creative Minds
Being creative helps us to observe the world differently, deal with uncertainty and become better problem solvers. Which is all part of keeping a healthy and happy mind. Explore these quick, simple and fun art projects to get the creative juices flowing.

Put on your own puppet shows from the comfort of your own living room.
All you need is:
- Cardboard box
- (Safe scissors)
- Paper (preferably red)
- Paint or colouring pens
- Pencil and ruler

Toilet Roll Constellations
Create your own star-filled universe with just some tin foil, cardboard tubes and torch.
All you need is:
- Toilet roll tubes
- Tin foil
- Paper
- Black and silver paint or colouring pens
- Scissors and pin (be careful)
- Torch

Play whilst learning about maths by using simple equations (throwing around ping pong balls).
All you will need is:
- Paper cups
- Ping pong balls
- Plain paper
- Cardboard
- (Safe) scissors
- A hard surface (to bounce the balls from)

Toilet Roll
Can't get to a real zoo? No problem, just make your own.
All you will need is:
- Toilet paper tubes
- Paper
- Glue
- (Safe) scissors
- String
- Paint and/or pen
- Googly eyes (optional)

Partner up with the Mean Magpie to take down all the other birdies in town.
All you will need:
- Paper cups
- Colouring pens/pencils
- (Safe) scissors
- Tin foil
- Space to play

Spread smiles to all who pass by with these Smile Kites that share messages of positivity.
All you will need:
- Tracing/Baking paper
- (Paper) straws or lollipop sticks
- Cellotape
- (Safe) scissors
- String
- Colouring pens