Thank you for signing up to our Mindful Beginnerplatform, where you will be able to access some ofthe great free content that we have released overthe years.
Simple, fun and creative PSHE, mental wellnessactivities and discussion, mindfulness practices,stories plus much, much more. Perfect to fit into anylearning schedule.
If you would like more regular content why not signup to our Great Ormond Street Hospital Happy Champion platform for just £5? And in doing so£1 every month goes to support the Great OrmondStreet Hospital Play Team.
Subscribe to the 'Happy Champion platform' to access the complete and growingBook of Beasties Social Emotional Learning archive, with hundreds of activities, storiesand more. New activity packs released each quarter.
Welcome to Book of Beasties Remote Wellness Kit,where we explore the wonderful wellness world of Book of Beasties.
Our Remote Wellness Kit has been designed byus and curated by teachers, psychologists, andexperts in delivering web-based classes to provideour mental wellness solutions via any videoconferencing or remote learning platform.
Being creative helps us to observe the worlddifferently, deal with uncertainty and becomebetter problem solvers. Which is all part of keepinga healthy and happy mind. Explore these quick,simple and fun art projects to get the creativejuices flowing.
Discover useful and fun wellness based
activities, stories, exercises and materials to use in yourschool or home. We will be releasing
these freeresources throughout the year, each with a differenttheme, exclusive Beasties,
wellness activities anddiscussion suggestions.
Our "Dedicated To..." series themes whole resourcesaround particular organisations. If you know ofsomeone who deserved their own resource, get intouch: